Words open Worlds
London-born and raised internationally, my language proficiency was evident aged three, as I was discovered spouting fluent turkish to an indigenous friend in our Istanbul bathtub! An innate "musicians ear" enabled me to pick up songs before I understood the lyrics.
I love how words can open new worlds of meaning, and, especially for people working on the effervescing edge of the evolution of consciousness, how creative language allows us to express what has never before been put into words, so that we can evolve and thrive in new ways.
Contact me for support to find the words to open your world to your collaborators.
Love. Transformation. Adventure. Courage. Creativity.
After obtaining degrees in Psychology and Zoology, a Masters in Engineering, and leaving a BBC career in online and television, I set off around the world seeking meaning beyond the cultures of my upbringing, and the large corporate media and charities for which I had been working.
A passionate learner, I continued my writing through small-scale Blogs about my travels through South East Asia, Europe and the Americas, before focussing my time and energy on personal and cultural development, and community living.
With experience in radical experimental community, Possibility Management, Non-violent Communication, helpline counselling, Pedagogy, Permaculture and much much more, my passion lies in weaving my language expertise with my psychonautic interests, to support those working for cultural change to reach ever wider audiences.
Expertise and Interests
Copyediting - Proofreading - Transcription - TGerman/French/Italian>English Translation - Lyrics - Copywriting
Personal and spiritual development
Feelings work. Counselling. Non-violent communication. Psychology. Sociology. Zoology.
Culural development. Metacrisis. Gender issues. Permaculture.
Cultural Narratives
Mythology. Archetypes. Story. Memes. Emergent systems.